Ojo Farm
Real Food, Grown Here

Our Fresh Philosophy: Seed to Plate
In New Mexico, every hill and valley has its own unique microclimate. That’s why, to make the most of our 1.5 acres, our farm team balances refined regenerative agricultural techniques and modern technology to cultivate complementary fruit, vegetables, botanicals, and flowers. The Farmer and Chefs collaborate at every phase of production from selecting seeds for production, planning harvest windows, curating unqiue farm dinners and weekly restaurant specials, to evaluating the plate on the table. We strive to create meaningful agricultural experiences in Northern New Mexico, while offering high quality, accessible produce to our guests and the local community. At Ojo your experience is beyond farm-to-table; we bring you from seed-to-plate.

Supporting Community Agriculture
Regenerative and “sustainable” agriculture means more to us than just our production methods. It also means sustaining enough production and sales to build the local economy and community nutrition. To this end, Ojo Farm maximizes its production capacity with technique and technology to create meaningful and dignified agriculture jobs for local New Mexicans, as well as provide healthy, accessible produce to our guests and community.
We like supporting our neighbors, so whenever possible, we source ingredients from our Northern New Mexico food partners. Beck & Bulow, for example, a renowned Santa Fe butcher that sources ethically-raised meat, supplies much of the beef and bison featured in our restaurants.