
Real Food, Grown Here

Serving good food starts with knowing where it comes from and how it’s grown. That’s why we grow much of our own food just 1,000 feet from our Artesian Restaurant in Ojo Caliente. 

From the Ojo Farm:
Our Fresh Ethos

In New Mexico, every hill and each valley has its own unique microclimate. That’s why, to make the most of our 1.5 acres, our farm team employs bio-intensive techniques, opting for human power to cultivate complementary fruit, vegetables, botanicals, and flowers. We grow with intention: instead of using petroleum-fueled tractors, our farmers utilize a two-wheeled, hand-push tiller in the farm’s space-efficient produce rows, as well as hand prune and hand harvest our crops.

Farmer Clare In A Row Of Tomatoes
Colorful Fruit And Lettuce Salad

Supporting Community Agriculture

We like supporting our neighbors, so whenever possible, we source ingredients from our Northern New Mexico food partners. Beck & Bulow, for example, a renowned Santa Fe butcher that sources ethically-raised meat, supplies much of the beef and bison featured in our restaurants. Whenever we grow more than we need, we take it directly back to the community. Sometimes our fruits and veggies make their way into farm boxes from Squash Blossom, which curates fresh produce from small farms around the state. We also share our surplus with our staff and work with other local chefs, food trucks, and food pantries. 

Ojo Farm Frequently Asked Questions